From the PAstor

I greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As I write this message I am in awe of the ways God’s Spirit is moving in the lives of the people at Christ Church. As we seek to be disciples of Christ growing in and living out our faith and carrying out the Church’s mission to love God, love and serve others, and make disciples of Jesus Christ, God is blessing the ministries and people of this place in powerful ways.

We gather together to worship that we may praise God, be moved by God’s Word, and encounter God’s presence. We gather to remember our identity and mission, to nurture one another in discipleship, and to be empowered by the Holy Spirit. We gather to challenge each other to grow and to live faithfully at all times and places. We gather to offer God our lives and resources as we serve together to reach out in God’s love to our world and make a difference in people’s lives by sharing the good news of Jesus in word and deed. We gather to be God’s witnesses and to invite others to join us as God’s people and welcome them when they do.

By God’s grace and the faithfulness of God’s people in this local congregation many lives in our church and in our community are being transformed to experience true life now and the hope of eternal life to come. We are a family friendly church that connects with all generations and we invite you to join us in finding meaning, purpose, and hope as we walk the path of Jesus together, weaving faith into our lives and work together to meet needs of people in our community.  Check out our web site and if you like what you see we would love to have you join us on the journey.

God Bless,

Pastor George J. Kafer