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a Simple guide for prayer
Be quiet for a few moments and bring into your mind the fact that you are with the God who created the whole world; the beauty of sunshine and children; the power of the wind; and the peace of this (your) church.
Now say this prayer, pausing at the end of each line:
LORD, over shadow me with Your Spirit; Banish distraction, inattention, coldness; Make my eyes to see, my ears to hear,
My tongue to speak, my soul to be still;
And then be merciful to my prayer,
And to me, a sinner; For Christ's sake.
If you are conscious of some particular sins, remember that God is faithful to forgive our sins and pray:
Humbly and sorrowfully I crave Your forgiveness;
For every weakening thought to which my mind has roamed,
For every word spoken in hastiness or passion, For every failure of self-control,
For this... and this... and this....
And grant that as the days go by, Your Spirit may more and more rule in my heart,
giving me victory over these and all other sinful ways. through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
If there is something you wish to thank God for, remember that God attentively hears a thankful person and pray:
I give Thee most humble and hearty thanks for all Your goodness and loving kindness to me especially for this... and this... and this...
And grant that I may shout forth Your praise not only with my lips but with my life
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
If you are in trouble or worrried, remember the promise of Jesus, "I am with you always," and pray:
I am distressed, O Lord, and bitterly downcast
Though I know so little, help me to go on believing
in Your love when I cannot understand, and when the path of reason is darkened
Let the light of faith shine in my heart. Amen.
If you know someone who needs yor prayers, remember that God wants to use you as a channel of His love, and say:
To Your loving care, O Father,
I commend all those who are dear to me especially... and...
Be in every sore heart, every strickend home, beside every bed of pain giving to all the blesssing of Your peace.
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
So let me, O LORD, be with You, and be happy,
May my every life be an example of Your love
And what I believe in my heart may I practice in my life, in Your name I pray. Amen.